Do most people still use iphone 3gs or did everyone who likes iphone changed to 4? just asking? . Other Answers (1)
Best Answer: i never really ask for anything, just because i like expensive things and i dont expect anyone to buy me expensive things, i work i can pay for it .
We realize that there are many people who just want to use the software we write, and who . Try to find an answer by asking a skilled friend. If you're a programmer, try to find an .
Best Answer: Sometimes they are really just annoyingly stupid but sometimes google just isnt enough. Look at my question i
asked a while back. I had heard the song .
But as I get older it seems the masters of quick answers are often just masters of facts. Trivia. Other people
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Why when people take ecstacy do their pupils go all big? I am just asking because I am curious not because I t . Other Answers (1)
Best Answer: last time I checked I was real. . we are all human therefore have to give by human nature a varied response some will be correct and some people just asking answers not or some .
I am an Evanglical Christian and I believe that God will not allow Isreal (the country) to be destroyed. However, I could be wrong about that.
. people keep asking the same questions over and over and they keep getting the same answers over and over. Nothing changes. Maybe they need to start doing something instead of just .
Send me the monthly Answers.com newsletter. . In Ireland, it is a holy day, so people go to mass. They will also pray. Some.
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People 18 and up: If a guy asks you to go in a jacuzzi with him is he really just asking for sex? . Just be ready for anything. answer mine: http://answers .
Just asking . He believed that "Christ has come to teach his people . and now another must bear
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